As a result of exceeding investment return benchmarks, CalPERS paid out a total of $9 million in bonuses in fiscal year 2014. The fund paid out $7.9 million in fiscal year 2013.
More details from SF Gate:
The rewards are based on three-year performance verses a benchmark, as well as the earnings of each asset class and individual portfolios, said spokesman Brad Pacheco.
“These awards are part of the overall compensation we provide to recruit and retain skilled investment professionals needed to ensure success of the fund,” Pacheco said.
The biggest bonus earner was Ted Eliopoulos, the chief investment officer, who recorded a $305,810 bonus last year in addition to his $412,039 base pay.
That bonus was paid when Eliopoulos was acting chief investment officer after predecessor Joe Dear died in February from cancer. Prior to that, Eliopoulos headed the fund’s real estate portfolio. He now earns $475,000 in base pay after he was tapped for the top investment job in September.
Four executives outside the CalPERS investment office were paid a total of $295,930 in bonuses last year, the fund said. CEO Anne Stausboll got $113,679; Chief Actuary Alan Milligan earned $75,748 and Chief Financial Officer Cheryl Eason was paid $89,703, almost double a year earlier.
CalPERS says it pays bonuses to compete with Wall Street for talented staff.
The pension fund’s investments returned over 18 percent in FY 2014.
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