UPDATE [3:30 PM CST]: The arguments have concluded, but you can still watch the full proceedings by clicking the video above, or by clicking here.
The action begins at around the 15:00 mark of the video.
UPDATE [3:30 PM CST]: The arguments have concluded, but you can still watch the full proceedings by clicking the video above, or by clicking here.
The action begins at around the 15:00 mark of the video.
If what this woman is saying that is representing the State Of Illinios, is true. Then why don;t she include the Judges Pensions in the same manorStates policy is about balance. Police Powers must include every pension system,also politicians have taken an oath to protect and preserve the state constitution. Not say we have police powers and ignore the constitution, or twist it for their own purpose.
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anything like that is on the docket, I worry about a new mayor watinng to make a mark’ on the city, and doing something risky. Or over committing city money to development projects (we don’t need another Monona Gardens money pit). That’s why Bob scares me a bit. I feel he’d be positive about a project (see the upside, show enthusiasm), but the downside can be scary too. Bob is a fun guy. I’ve talked to him several times and he has a great energy and a lot of ideas. But in this economy, I just don’t want someone dragging the city into a bad situation because they didn’t understand all the ramifications of their decisions.I’m not positive who I’ll vote for, but at this time, I’m leaning Wiswell. Nothing set in stone, but that’s where I’m leaning.
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