A union coalition representing 65,000 workers has announced workers may strike for 24 hours in protest of the proposed pension reforms contained in Bill 3. Additionally, the union spokesman said a legal challenge could be in the works.
Bill 3 would increase pension contributions and eliminate COLAs for many workers.
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A coalition representing municipal workers across Quebec said it will continue to fight the government’s “profoundly unjust” municipal pension reform despite amendments introduced this week by Municipal Affairs Minister Pierre Moreau.
“Our people are more determined than ever,” Marc Ranger, spokesperson for the Coalition syndicale pour la libre négociation, told a press conference Friday morning at the Crémazie Blvd. E. headquarters of the Quebec Federation of Labour.
Ranger said some unions that are part of the coalition representing 65,000 firefighters, police officers, transport workers and blue- and white-collars will hold a 24-hour strike to protest Bill 3 but did not announce the date or details. However, workers providing essential services, like police and firefighters, do not have the right to strike.
Ranger promised that despite members’ anger, unions will act within the law, noting that the coalition’s mass demonstration in Montreal two weeks ago was lawful and orderly.
Ranger also said the union intends to launch a court challenge against the bill, which he called unconstitutional.
Lawmakers toned down Bill 3 this week after massive protests. Originally, the proposal would have frozen COLAs for 20,000 workers. Now, current retirees will not have their COLAs frozen.