The investment staff of the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS) has recommended to the board that the system allocate up to 10 percent of its assets in hedge funds.
SFERS has been waffling for a year over whether or not to put money into hedge funds, and what the allocation should be.
From Bloomberg, via FinAlternatives:
The San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System staff is recommending its board consider investing 10 percent of assets in hedge funds.
The staff said it also could support a 5 percent hedge-fund allocation for the $20 billion city pension, according to a memo sent to the board from William Coaker, the chief investment officer. The board is scheduled to consider the recommendation at a Feb. 11 meeting in San Francisco.
“Many of the objections we have heard about hedge funds are at best an incomplete picture,” Coaker’s memo said. “Hedge funds have less than half the volatility of the equity market. Transparency is improving in the hedge-fund industry as a whole.”
The San Francisco pension board in December postponed a decision on adding hedge funds to its investment mix and asked staff for a more detailed analysis ahead of this month’s meeting. The fund isn’t currently invested in hedge funds, which are loosely regulated investment pools that are generally open only to high-net-worth and institutional investors.
The San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System manages $20 billion in assets.
Photo by ilirjan rrumbullaku via Flickr CC License