Lagerkvist: Here Are the Seven Deadly Sins of the New Jersey Pension System

Seal of New Jersey

New Jersey’s pension system is shouldering $51 billion of unfunded liabilities. How did it get that way?

In an editorial in the Philadelphia Inquirer, investigative reporter Mark Lagerkvist goes through what he calls the “seven deadly sins” of the state’s pension system. Excerpted from the article:

#1 – Retirement shams

A New Jersey Watchdog investigation revealed state attorneys general rehired 23 of their own retirees as investigators and supervisors. More than half of those law enforcement officials “retired” for only one day before they went back to work for the state.

The rehired retirees collected $3.77 million a year — $1.56 million a year in pension pay plus $2.21 million in salaries. Such costly personnel maneuvers have happened so often that state officials even have a name for it — “resignation pickup.”

#2 – Full pensions for part timers

The loophole, exclusive to the Public Employees Retirement System, is open to a wide range of part-time elected and appointed officials from New Jersey’s 565 municipalities, 590 public school districts, 21 counties and other governmental entities.

The list includes state legislators, county freeholders, mayors, councilmen, school board members, prosecutors, judges, town attorneys, tax assessors and many others who work for public entities covered under PERS, the largest New Jersey retirement fund.
#3 – Double-dippers and triple-dippers

 Eighty percent of New Jersey sheriffs — elected in 17 of the state’s 21 counties — collect pensions as law enforcement retirees in addition to their six-figure salaries. Their payrolls include 29 undersheriffs who also double-dip. Overall, those 46 top county cops rake in $8.3 million a year – $3.4 million in retirement pay plus $4.9 million in salaries.

#4 – Disability pension abuses

5,500 retired police officers in New Jersey receive more than $200 million a year in disability pensions. They have been judged “totally and permanently disabled” by the state Police and Firemen’s Retirement System or State Police Retirement System.

“I’d say 95 percent of the disability applications are questionable,” said John Sierchio, former chair of the PFRS Board of Trustees. “It’s people who don’t want to work anymore.”

#5 – Ill-advised health benefit costs

If you think a $51 billion pension deficit is bad, here’s something worse.

The New Jersey state retirement system also faces a staggering $53-billion shortfall in funding retiree medical benefits, according to a report released by state actuaries last month.

 #6 – The deadbeat state

From fiscal 2006 through 2011, New Jersey shortchanged its pension funds by more than $10 billion. Instead of contributing the expected $13.1 billion to the retirement accounts during that period, the state only pitched in $2.3 billion, according to a report by Common Sense Institute of New Jersey.

#7 – The $100,000 Club

New Jersey’s $100,000 Club of retired public officials has ballooned by 75 percent in the past three years. It is growing at a faster rate than the state’s pension deficit.

A total of 1,731 retirees collected $100,000 a year or more from state pensions last year,  an increase of 739 pensioners since 2010, according to a New Jersey Watchdog analysis of Treasury data.

Mark Lagerkvist is an investigative reporter at the watchdog group New Jersey Watchdog.

There’s much more in the way of explanation over at the article, here.

New Jersey Lawmaker Pushes For Stricter Pay-To-Play Rules For Pension Investments

Two silhouetted men changing hands in front of an American flag

SEC rules prevent pension funds from investing with firms that have made political contributions to politicians with any control over the pension fund’s investment decisions.

But a New Jersey Senator wants the state to go even further. Reported by

The law that restricts the state pension fund from investing in firms whose investment managers make political contributions to New Jersey candidates should be expanded to include donations to national political groups, a legislator said Wednesday.

Sen. Shirley Turner, D-Mercer, announced her intentions to broaden the state’s pay-to-play law a day after the Division of Investment confirmed the pension system had sold its stake in a venture capital fund with ties to a Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate who donated to the New Jersey GOP.


When the pension system approves an alternative investment — including venture capital firms and hedge funds — those firms are required to fill out disclosures listing the managers of the particular fund New Jersey is investing with and whether those individuals have made political contributions. But the state’s conflict of interest law does not cover political donations to groups outside New Jersey, like the Republican Governors Association, which Governor Christie heads.

“The method of investment should be selected based on performance and merit, not because of campaign contributions and investments should be made in the best interests of our retirees,” said Turner, whose district includes a significant number of state workers, said Wednesday in a statement. “There shouldn’t be even the appearance of political favorites.”

This is a hot-button issue in New Jersey. One union, the New Jersey AFL-CIO, filed an ethics complaint last week asking whether political donations have influence pension investments.

The issue was also raised at the meeting of the State Investment Council on Tuesday.


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John Bury On New Jersey’s Pay-to-Play Allegations: Let’s Move On To The Real Problems

Chris Christie

John Bury is an actuary that tightly covers New Jersey pension news over at the blog Bury Pensions. He has an interesting perspective on the latest pay-to-play allegations thrown at Christie.

Bury’s point: if the pay-to-play allegations are true, it’s par for the course. But there are bigger issues with New Jersey’s pension system, and those issues are the ones we should worry about. Here’s Bury’s post in full:


By John Bury, Bury Pensions

“It’s a cheap political stunt based on shoddy, distorted reporting from an individual [David Sirota] who over and over again has been shown to be biased, willfully inaccurate, and just flat out wrong,”

– NJ Governor Chris Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts responding to allegations in an AFL-CIO lawsuit

He may have some points – though not the ones I would make:

Like the double-dipping non-issue I do not see Chrisitie allegedly steering investment contracts to campaign donors as the state Retirement System’s biggest problem.  Remember, this is New Jersey.  Find me someone who has donated to a politician or party who does not expect (and get) payback of some sort.

How about a law firm where the lawyers get together each election cycle to give $30,000 to the campaigns of freeholders and somehow wind up with annual billings from that county of over $1 million.  That’s legal here so what’s the problem with hedge fund honchos working the system we have, though much less blatantly than DeCotiis according to Fortune Magazine?

Then there’s the issue of criticizing a rate of return of 16.9% (or 15.9% or 15.5%).  Imagine you get any one of those as an annual return in your own portfolio.  Are you complaining?  The question in New Jersey is whether those Alternative Investment assets being reported are really there.  I don’t think so.

Finally, there is this reality:


Employ only investment advisers who have never donated to a political campaign (if you can find any) and get rid of all the double-dippers and you may have solved 1% of a $150 billion problem that will be a $250 billion problem in the years it will take your distracto-reforms to be implemented.

New Jersey Sheriff Race Turns Into Campaign Against “Double Dipping”

Seal of New Jersey

One candidate for a New Jersey sheriff position is promising to relinquish his state pension if he wins, and in the process is turning against the common practice of sheriff “double dipping” – that is, the practice of drawing a state pension while also being employed at another public-sector job.

The candidate, David Jones, is running under the campaign slogan “One Sheriff, One Paycheck”. More from New Jersey Spotlight:

17 of the state’s 21 county sheriffs double dip by collecting public pensions averaging $78,000 on top of their sheriff’s salaries, jacking up their average compensation to almost $204,000. That’s almost $29,000 more than Chris Christie earns as governor.

But now, David Jones, a recently retired state police major, is trying to turn his campaign for Mercer County sheriff into a referendum on double dipping by pledging to suspend his own pension if he is elected sheriff and to refuse to employ any undersheriffs who do not agree to do the same.

Running on the slogan “One Sheriff, One Paycheck,” Jones said his victory would not only save $300,000 a year in pension payments now going to Mercer County Sheriff Jack Kemler and two of his top deputies, but could inspire voters in other counties to take a stand on double dipping by refusing to vote for anyone who does not take a similar pledge.

Double-dipping is well known, but efforts to discontinue the practice haven’t gone anywhere. From NJ Spotlight:

Legislation sponsored by Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) and Assemblywoman Allison Littell McHose (R-Sussex) to require retired public employees who take public jobs paying more than $15,000 to forgo collecting their pensions until they leave public service has gone nowhere.

That’s because Christie and legislative leaders have been reluctant to put an end to a practice that benefits loyalists in both parties. They include Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo, a Democrat who filed his retirement papers when elected to his existing job. He now collects a $68,861 pension for a job he currently holds while continuing to be paid his full $153,831 salary. Louis Goetting, a Republican, collects an $88,860 annual pension from his years in the Treasury Department on top of his $140,000 salary as Christie’s deputy chief of staff.

William Schluter, a long-time Republican lawmaker, said outlawing double-dipping could save the state tens of millions of dollars on an annual basis.

Is New Jersey Fudging Its Pension Fund Results to Defuse a Christie Scandal?

Chris Christie

Over at Naked Capitalism, Yves Smith has written a great post looking deeper into New Jersey’s pension fund return data, which was revised upward last week. Yves asks the question: Did New Jersey artificially increase the value of its pension fund’s alternative investments to ward off mounting criticism of the fund?

This article was originally posted at

Is New Jersey Fudging Its Pension Fund Results to Defuse a Christie Scandal?

By Yves Smith

You cannot make stuff like this up. New Jersey, in its attempt to diffuse a pension fund scandal that implicates Chris Christie (it roused him to respond in public), looks to have committed the classic crisis management blunder of a cover-up worse than the original crime.

International Business Times reporter David Sirota has been putting questionable relationships between state pension funds and Wall Street under the hot lights. One of the objects of his scrutiny has been the New Jersey pension fund, which is seriously underfunded. A recent tally puts it at number 43 out of 50 states in the level of its pension funding, with only 60% of its commitments funded. The New Jersey shortfall is the result of a series of classic blunders, starting with a decision to starve the pension system in the 1990s under governor Christine Todd Whitman.

New Jersey dug its hole even deeper during the crisis, by taking risky bets right before the markets unraveled, including investing in Lehman shortly before its collapse.

This bad situation was made worse under Christie. As we wrote in 2011:

A more accurate rendition would be that, at least in New Jersey, the state has been raiding the pension kitty for over 15 years. This is not news to anyone who has been paying attention, any more than underfunding of corporate pensions. In the Garden State’s case, Governor Chris Christie skipped the required $3.1 billion pension fund contribution last year. He claimed this move was to force reform, but what impact does another $3.1 billion failure to pay have on an unfunded liability that was already over $50 billion?

Fast forward to the Sirota investigation. Sirota showed how Christie shifted fund allocations to managers of “alternative assets” like hedge funds and private equity funds, which charge vastly more in the way of fees than simple stock and bond funds. It should be no surprise that hedge and private fund managers are heavyweight political donors. The result was more fees to the managers and underperformance for New Jersey. As Sirota wrote:

Gov. Chris Christie’s administration openly acknowledged that more New Jersey taxpayer dollars were going to land in the coffers of major financial institutions. It was 2010, and Christie had just installed a longtime private equity executive, Robert Grady, to manage the state’s pension money. Grady promoted a plan to put more of those funds into riskier investments managed by Wall Street firms. Though this would entail higher fees, Grady said the strategy would “maximize returns while appropriately managing risk.”

Four years later, New Jersey has secured only half the promised results. The state has sent more pension money to big-name Wall Street firms like Blackstone, Third Point, Omega Advisors, Elliott Associates and Grady’s old firm, The Carlyle Group. Additionally, the amount of fees the state pays financial managers has more than tripled since Christie assumed office. New Jersey is now one of America’s largest investors in hedge funds.

The “maximized returns” have yet to materialize… Had New Jersey’s pension system simply matched the median rate of return, the state would have reaped roughly $3.8 billion more than it did between fiscal years 2011 and 2014, says pension consultant Chris Tobe.

Unfortunately, it is all too common for pension fund systems to swing for the fences when they are in trouble and commit even more money to supposedly higher return investment approaches like private equity. In fact, due to too much money flooding into these strategies, returns for both hedge funds and private equity funds have generally lagged stock market returns in the post-crisis period.

On top of that, New Jersey’s authorized allocation to alternative investments is a full one third, a stunningly high level. Even CalPERS, a long-standing investor in alternatives, has less than half that level committed to these strategies.

But in New Jersey’s case, there’s even more reason than usual to doubt that the motivation for the shift to riskier investments was due to desperation to catch up, as opposed to rank corruption. After all, Christie’s professed strategy has been to worsen the crisis at the pension fund. What better way to achieve that result than to invest the money indifferently in high fee strategies, and get the side benefit of currying favor with extremely well-heeled donors?

Now, under heat for the suspicious-looking shift to Wall Street firms combined with embarrassing underperformance, New Jersey is suddenly reporting higher results as if no one would notice the change. On Friday, Sirota published a new scoop: New Jersey is now saying its pension fund returns for 2013 are a full 1% higher than previously announced. As Sirota writes:

Facing an ethics complaint after disclosures of the state’s below-market pension investment returns, Gov. Chris Christie’s top economic officials defended themselves by declaring that they delivered 16.9 percent returns in fiscal year 2014. Yet only weeks ago, the Christie administration reported the returns were 15.9 percent — lower by more than $700 million.

The discrepancy surfaces amid intensifying criticism of the Christie administration’s decision to triple the amount of pension money invested in high-fee private equity, venture capital, hedge fund, real estate and other “alternative investment” firms — many of whose employees have made financial contributions to Republican organizations backing Christie’s election campaigns.

In an op-ed published in the Newark Star-Ledger on Friday, the two top officials of New Jersey’s State Investment Council, Robert Grady and Thomas Byrne, criticized the investment strategy proposed by investors such as Warren Buffett, who say pension money should be primarily in stock index funds, not in alternative investments. Defending New Jersey’s $20 billion bet on alternatives, Grady and Byrne declared that “in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014, the pension fund achieved a return of 16.9%.”

A return of 16.9 percent would still trail median public pension returns.

“The July 22 release says the fund produced returns of 15.9, according to preliminary data compiled as of June 30, 2014. Now final audited results showed the fund returned 16.9 percent,” Christopher Santarelli, from the New Jersey Department of Treasury, told International Business Times in response to a request for comment about the differing numbers.

This sort of revision is unheard of. Remember, even with New Jersey, over 2/3 of pension fund assets are invested in stocks and bonds. Those valuations are unambiguous. Similarly, hedge funds are required to provide valuations (so-called “net asset values”) monthly, with those figures verified by third party appraisal firms. The stock, bond, and hedge fund results come in shortly after month-end; there’s no basis for revision after the fact (put it another way: a change in valuation for any of these types of funds, even if favorable, would warrant withdrawing funds as soon as possible, because it would be proof of serious deficiencies in controls and accounting at the fund manager).

So the only types of investments where results are less clear-cut are in private equity, venture capital, and other illiquid strategies where the fund managers rather than third parties provide the valuations for their investments.

But even here, those managers have other investors in their funds besides New Jersey. They calculate the net asset value across the entire fund and then give valuations to investors based on their percent participation. So if New Jersey was getting revised valuations for such a large portion of its funds, you’d expect some other public pension funds to report significant upticks as well. But New Jersey seems to be suspiciously unique in this regard.

To understand how implausible this miraculous 1% performance improvement is, let’s look at New Jersey’s current asset allocation, as of June 30:


We will charitably include “Commodities and Other Real Assets,” “Real Estate Debt,” and “Real Estate” in the not-independently-valued funds for the purpose of this back-of-the-envelope calculation.
If you total Debt Related Private Equity, Real Estate Debt, Police and Fire Mortgage Program, Commodities and Other Real Assets, Real Estate, and Buyouts/Venture Capital, you get 17.13%. Remember, the total that is not independently valued is almost certainly lower.
The 1% miraculous improvement in performance is attributable to at most 17.13% of the portfolio. That is tantamount to that portion of the portfolio producing returns that were at least 5.8% higher than initially reported. That is simply not plausible.
We have to believe either that New Jersey is utterly incompetent at record-keeping,which would be a violation of its fiduciary duty, or something stinks to high heaven. It’s not hard to guess which is more likely.

Union Files Ethics Complaint Over New Jersey Pension Investments

Silhouetted men shake hands in front of American flag

New Jersey’s largest union, New Jersey AFL-CIO, has filed an ethics complaint with the state regarding the entity that oversees the state’s pension investments – the State Investment Council – and the man that chairs the Council – Robert Grady.

The union alleges that politics have played a large role in the state’s pension investments, which have increasingly included hedge funds and other alternative investments.


In an 11-page letter to the ethics commission, New Jersey AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkanech said that the chair of the State Investment Council, Robert Grady, “has violated the Division’s own rules barring politics in the selection and retention of such funds and investments, and has further created an appearance of impropriety.”

At issue is the state’s investment of hundreds of millions of dollars of pension money with Wall Street firms, including hedge funds and other types of “alternative investments” that charge higher fees than more traditional types of investments — a practice that started before Christie was governor but has increased under him.

Some “key executives” of the firms donated to state and national Republican organizations that helped Christie, according to Wowkanech, who said those donations potentially broke state pay-to-play laws, and at the least violated the state officials’ code of ethics. Wowkanech wants an investigation.

The complaint is based on a series of reports on the websites Pando Daily and International Business Times, written by the reporter David Sirota, that explain the pension fund’s increase in alternative investments since Christie took office.

The complaint also takes issue with Grady’s involvement with Chrisite’s re-election campaign as an adviser, in close contact with Christie and top staffers, while he was leading the council.

“It should not be seen as mere coincidence that the reports show Robert Grady was listed as a required attendee on a series of regular weekly phone conference calls held by high-level staff on the Governor’s re-election committee in or around September 2013,” Wowkanech’s letter reads.

The Christie administration and the state treasury department have responded to the complaint, according to the Associated Press:

Christie spokesman Kevin Roberts calls the filing “a cheap political stunt based on shoddy, distorted reporting.”

Christopher Santarelli, a spokeswoman for the state treasury department, said it is state employees who decide who will manage pension fund money, not the investment council.

He also said that the state’s use of alternative investments including hedge funds and bank plans is in line with peers. He said the strategy helped minimize losses in 2008 and 2009, when stock prices fell sharply.

Grady did not immediately return a message from The Associated Press, but he previously said in an email to the International Business Times that he was cleared by the state treasury department’s ethics officer before he participated as a policy adviser to Christie’s re-election campaign. He says that no pension investment decisions were discussed with campaign officials.

The Associated Press wasn’t able to contact Grady. But Grady has previously stated that pension investment decisions had nothing to do with campaign politics.


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New Jersey Credit Rating Cut By S&P; Record 8th Downgrade Under Christie

Chris Christie

Credit rating agency S&P has downgraded New Jersey’s credit rating by one step, to A. The downgrade comes just 5 days after Fitch downgraded the state’s rating.

Notably, the state has been downgraded eight times under Chris Christie, the most under any governor in the state’s history.

Reported by Bloomberg:

The reduction to A, the sixth-highest level, with a stable outlook follows a Sept. 5 downgrade by Fitch Ratings. It gives New Jersey the same general-obligation grade as California, which is on track for an upgrade as revenue exceeds Democratic Governor Jerry Brown’s estimates. Only Illinois has lower ratings than New Jersey among U.S. states.

“New Jersey continues to struggle with structural imbalance,” S&P analyst John Sugden in New York said in a statement today. “The governor’s decision to delay pension funding, while providing the necessary tools for cash management and budget control, has significant negative implications for the state’s liability profile.”

Christie, a 52-year-old Republican in his second term, broke his promise this year to make $2.5 billion in extra pension payments in fiscal 2014 and 2015 to help trim unfunded obligations. He has called for more changes to the plan as costs for employee benefits crowd out other state spending.


New Jersey’s pension deficit, which reached $53.9 billion in 2010 after a decade of skipped payments and expanded benefits, fell to $36.3 billion with Christie’s changes. It then grew to $47.2 billion in 2012 as he made only partial contributions.

For fiscal 2014, which ended June 30, Christie contributed $696 million, less than half the planned $1.6 billion. Superior Court Judge Mary C. Jacobson, ruling in Trenton on June 25 in a lawsuit filed by state worker unions, said Christie was within his power to reduce the payment because he faced a fiscal emergency.

All three of the major rating agencies – Fitch, Moody’s and S&P – have downgraded New Jersey’s credit rating in 2014.

New Jersey Launches Website Seeking Pension Comments From Public

Seal of New Jersey

New Jersey’s newly established Pension and Benefit Study Commission is seeking public comments and suggestions regarding the panel’s mission of “making the system sustainable for taxpayers and retirees”.

Click here to access the comment form.

The panel was created by Chris Christie last month to brainstorm cost-cutting and reform ideas to implement into the state’s pension system.

More details from the Absury Park Press:

If you’re interested in providing Gov. Chris Christie with some feedback on how to handle New Jersey’s underfunded public employee pension systems, now is your chance.

The state Department of the Treasury has created a web page and a comments form for the newly formed New Jersey Pension and Health Benefit Study Commission.

That nine-member commission was appointed by Christie in August and tasked with providing recommendations for reforming the system, which has been chronically underfunded by the state for years.


The new web page features short biographies of the nine commission members, a widget that takes viewers to a page on which they can submit feedback and a link to Executive Order 161, which established the commission.

View the website by clicking here or visiting the direct URL:

Report: New Jersey Pension Investments Trailed S&P 500 For Seven of Last Eight Years

New Jersey's investment returns vs. the S&P 500 CREDIT: IB Times
New Jersey’s investment returns vs. the S&P 500

Last week, journalist David Sirota reported on the New Jersey pension system and its drastic shift towards hedge fund investments under Chris Christie.

This week, Sirota has analyzed the state’s financial records. His finding: despite the increased allocation toward hedge funds and other alternatives, the pension system has mostly underperformed relative to the broader market.

Sirota writes:

In seven of the eight years since the state began shifting pension funds into so-called alternative investments, returns have fallen well short of the broader stock market, an analysis of state financial records shows. In those seven years, New Jersey’s alternative investment portfolio has produced gains of just more than half of the S&P 500, the widely watched index seen as a proxy for shares of large corporations.


The below-market results from the state’s $20 billion alternative investment portfolio belie repeated assurances from New Jersey officials who said the investments would overperform the stock market. Instead, the results buttress arguments by investors like Warren Buffett and some local lawmakers, who assert that pension money should be invested in stock index funds rather than hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate and other alternative investments.

Christie has responded to the fund’s under-performance by claiming that, although it has under-performed the broader market, it has beaten the fund’s internal projections.

Fitch Downgrades New Jersey Credit Rating For Second Time in Five Months

Chris Christie

On Friday, New Jersey was dealt another fiscal blow when rating agency Fitch downgraded New Jersey’s credit rating. The agency said New Jersey exacerbated “a key credit weakness” when it decreased its payments to the state pension system. From the Star-Ledger:

Wall Street analysts at Fitch Ratings today downgraded New Jersey’s bond rating for the second time this year, citing the state’s poor economic performance, Gov. Chris Christie’s rosy revenue forecasts — which failed to materialize — and his decision to plug the resulting budget gap by cutting $2.4 billion in funding for the state’s strained pension system.

Fitch said Christie’s decision to cut the pension payments this year marked a “repudiation” of a bipartisan plan he signed to fix the beleaguered retirement system for public workers, which is underfunded by nearly $40 billion, according to state estimates.

Instead of pumping bigger cash infusions every year into workers’ retirement accounts to save them from collapse — as Christie and lawmakers agreed to do in his first term — New Jersey is now stepping away from its plan, Fitch said.

“Following significant revenue underperformance, the state relied upon the repudiation of its statutory contribution requirements to the pension systems to return to budgetary balance, exacerbating a key credit weakness,” the Fitch analysts wrote in a note to investors, lowering their rating on the state’s debt from A+ to A.

New Jersey’s Treasury department responded to the downgrade by defending Christie’s decision to divert much of the state’s pension payment into the general budget. From The Star-Ledger:

A spokesman for the state Treasury Department said Christie “acted responsibly” by shrinking two pension payments that had been scheduled for the current and previous fiscal years.

“Without raising taxes on an already overburdened populace, Governor Christie has already contributed more to the pension system than any previous governor,” said the Treasury spokesman, Chris Santarelli, in an emailed statement.

“As rating agencies and ratings expectations have been recalibrated following the financial crisis of the late 2000s, the state Treasury and Office of Public Finance have worked tirelessly to ensure that New Jersey is rated fairly and equally by the Wall Street rating agencies; and will continue to do so.”

This is the second time in five months Fitch has downgraded New Jersey’s credit rating.


Photo by Walter Burns via Wikimedia Commons

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